Immediate Effect of Manipulation of Talocrural Joint in Static Balance in Young Women

Alberito Rodrigo de Carvalho, Daniela de Ré, David Lam, Daniela Martins Cunha, Ilírian Buosi Sena, Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini


Objective: To investigate the immediate effect of osteopathic manipulation of talocrural joint for anterior talocrural, on static balance, in young women. Methods: Twenty women were divided into two groups: manipulation of talocrural (MTG) and control (CG). It was analyzed the anterior-posterior (Y) and mediolateral (X) displacement with open and closed eyes in a baropodometry. Results: In the intergroup analysis, the oscillation showed higher in MTG (X and Y axes), at all times, compared to CG (p<0,05). In intragroup comparisons, the MTG increased significantly in the Y axis of oscillation, after intervention, with open eyes (p<0,05). Conclusion: The manipulation of talocrural joint decreased immediately the static anteroposterior balance in GMT with his eyes open.


Postural balance; osteopathic manipulation; ankle; physical therapy modalities.

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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