The use of anabolic-androgenic steroids and ephedra supplements among gym’s physical education teachers

Alexandre Palma, Monique Assis


The objectives of the present study were to identify the prevalence of use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) and ephedra supplements (ES) among gym’s physical education teachers, and also to understand why teachers make use of these substances. In order to achieve these goals, 305 teachers answered a questionnaire. The results showed that 38,69% of the sample had already made use of ES, 25,57% of AAS, 17,38% of both; whereas, 53,44% of the sample had never tried any of them. Although, there was no mean to compare these data with other group of non-sportsman, it seems quite high for a group whose objectives should be to avoid the consumption of these substances.

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Portal de Periódicos da CAPES DOAJ PKP ULRICHS WEB LiVre CCN

ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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