The game of identity Boe: the education of the body in relations of ethnic and cultural frontiers

Beleni Saléte Grando


The game in the context of the Meruri Village, among the Bororo, it was analyzed from the data from ethnographic research in 2001, with the objective to comprehend how the relations establish among different manners to be from corporals practices. The diverse forms of the football to present as social practice, aims to the complex relations which the game potentialize in spaces of ethnic and cultural frontiers. Its polissemic and intercultural character allows to visualize the complex and contradictory dimensions on which are the education of the body boe and the relevance that the corporality assumes to the comprehension of a specific indigenes culture.

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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